
A poem by Lou.

This thirst to pierce the abyss

To affront the ether

To collide with the atmosphere.

This desire to meander the void

To serenade the vortex

To traverse the pinnacle upon which we peacefully, playfully, poetically, pivot.

There is a soul who waits for you knowingly

who gazes softly

who honours tenderly

who touches cautiously

who speaks sparingly

who thinks endlessly

And they know

And you know

they know

you know



For life to be measured, we must feel

For days to be remembered, we must remain enchanted

For pain to be salvaged, we must bear witness

For the day to be seized, we must find our courage

We must meet ourselves gently


An inward gasp signals that the deep healing has begun.

These words kiss the page with an urge to touch the heart

To soothe the tired mind

To caress the aching body

To mend the wounded soul

Mend the wounded soul

the wounded soul

wounded soul


There is a longing in us

To greet one another

To recognise the other

And to be the cure we each/all need.

The longing is satisfied

 As it subsumes its own desires

And becomes all and nothing.

© 2022 Louise Taylor.  All rights reserved.

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