Ramblings, Musings, Poems, Freedom and Other Stuff

Why I came back.

(This was originally published in Musings of a Wild Woman on 29th September 2017, it still applies).

I came back because of the people. 

I came back for the fifteens. 

I came back because every time I looked out of the aeroplane window when I was leaving, I knew I was going in the wrong direction. 

I came back for the countryside. 

I came back because in my heart and soul I knew this was where I was supposed to be. 

I came back because I knew the future was bright. 

I came back for love and most certainly not for money, I didn’t do it for money, please don’t live your life for money. 

I came back because to stay away any longer was too hard, too painful, too much to bear. 

I hope more come back. 

I hope more friends and family come back. 

I hope more friends I have yet to meet come back. 

I hope the black sheep, the scapegoats and the underdogs come flooding back. 

I hope the boy loving boys and the girl loving girls come running back. 

I want them to know that it is safe now, things are much, much better now and they are still going up. 

Many of us were told we could not stay. 

Many of us were led to believe there was no other way but to leave our home. 

There are no jobs they said. 

What will you do for money they asked with fear in their face. 

What will the neighbours say they queried. 

So many have left because they love the ‘wrong’ people, how is that possible? 

So many have left to be their true authentic, eccentric, free selves in other places. 

I hope my children feel like they never have to leave 

I hope my children feel like they want to stay. 

I hope my children see home for exactly what it is. 

Home is where we are free to be and even when we visit elsewhere, 

Home is where we belong. 

Now I’m home, nothing outside of myself will ever make me leave again. 



(This was originally published in Musings of a Wild Woman on 7th October 2017, it still applies).

I can’t seem to find much. 

A lot of it seems to have gone. 

I think it is suffocating under the weight of words such as: 


Cost effective 

Budget cuts 

Funding issues 

Policy reforms 


Financial crisis 


Waiting lists 




Integrity is seeing the issues and stepping up. 

Integrity is knowing things can be better and trying to make it happen. 

Integrity is challenging those who are defending institutions and organisations where there is toxicity and inauthenticity. 

Integrity is doing the right thing even when it is hard and there is resistance 

Integrity is writing about your experiences and allowing judgement safe in the knowledge that those who judge others, judge themselves the most. 

Integrity is speaking your truth and standing up when you are told to sit down and shut up. 

Integrity is facing the storm and then walking into it because you know the time is now. 

Integrity is making a stand for something you believe in. 

Integrity is not gossiping or trying to take other people down with your words to compensate for your lack of action and your fear of change. Gossip is a waste of time, talent and life and is a huge distraction and comfort to those involved with it. 

Integrity is sharing important and life-changing information to those who might benefit without thinking about what you have to gain. 

Integrity is helping others for the sake of it and for the love of it. 

Integrity is being you, being true to you and letting all else follow. 

Integrity is sticking up for those who can’t stick up for themselves. 

Integrity is asking people who they are as opposed to telling them. 

Integrity is knowing when you have got it wrong. 

Integrity is knowing when you have got it right. 

Integrity is falling down and getting back up time and time and time again. 

I am scared by the lack of integrity I see sometimes but I am very hopeful too. 

It is never too late to start living from a place of integrity. 

It is never too late to do things differently. 

It is never too late to be the change you want to see. 

I’m seeing more and more people lead their lives through integrity rather than through fear and I am very, very excited. 

Have a lovely integral day. 



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