Man on throne, woman on trial

Friendship ended the day when things were not said in a court of clowns and a circus of comedic negligence and buffoonery

It ended in a silence that shook the judge’s chair and broke his unlawful, agitated gaze

They are tired on Fridays in court houses, tired of mere mortals not being more like them, more better at being perfect, persons of privilege and power.

Nothing right can a mere woman do when the law book is opened and the vessel is threatened

The law- opened by man, dictated by man and shut by scolding, superior man on his throne of hypocrisy and bureaucratic incompetence.

Many solicitors once said that if we want justice we must wait to go to heaven as in these fields we only have the law.

Nothing right can woman do with her words and her deeds- silent and beautiful, while scolded for her own suffering and terror

Your lot has been decided and justice has been declared in this eerie chamber

Your word is never enough, you silly witch, especially when you do not speak.

Your worship, your worship, your worship– make sure you remember who he is

She declined her entry for fear of upsetting his gentle ears of superiority

God is in the court, dominating her life, as it has been and always should be

Your worship has spoken and her life continues, restraining order granted- no contest given

Not one word did she speak in that court room that day, yet he told her he suspected she was lying

Justice is funny for women on earth, hopefully heaven will be fair and kind.

Men in high places are very interesting in that way

They accuse her of lying when she speaks and when she is silent, and they scold her for protecting her babies

Then she continues and must ignore the silly, pointless charade and she must continue to pay for our own endangerment

She must show reverence to the ridiculous performance of misogynistic madness

She must remember to not swear and call this person your worship, as swearing means it could not have happened..

She can not remember his name, he is nothing to her but a symbol of feminine suffering and death.

A good lady stays silent and takes what is given to her from the better sex

A good lady must not upset her husband nor be smarter than men

A good lady must remember to not speak up and to be grateful she is not dead, many other women in these fields have not been so lucky.

Another day in the legal towers of the North of Ireland

Another woman is tried for the brutality of broken boys

Another scolding from God in the corridors of lawlessness.

© 2022 Louise Taylor.  All rights reserved.

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